Employee Resources

As we return to campus, the top priority continues to be the health and safety of everyone in our community. Federal, state and local data and guidelines have been central to our planning efforts. Additionally, the concerns and priorities identified by our community, students, and constituency groups are reflected in our policies. 


All employees working on campus are expected to abide by the current safety measures:

  • Face coverings / mask are required indoors unless you are working alone in a one-person office that has a door that can be closed. Face coverings/masks are required outdoors if you cannot maintain six-feet of distance from others.
  • Self-check for symptoms daily prior to coming to campus. If you have any symptoms, please call your supervisor and Human Resources immediately and do NOT come to campus.
  • Follow guidance provided by signage on campus regarding social distancing, face coverings, occupancy, and hygiene.

Vaccine Policy
Employees are required to be vaccinated. Proof of vaccination for employees is managed by HR with digital upload via Workday. 
If you have questions about the process, please contact Michael Walker, health and safety specialist.

COVID-19 Testing for Students and Employees
GCCCD employees can get tested for COVID-19 on either campus and can test more than once. Testing is not available to the public or family members of students or employees.


Current information on testing dates, times, locations, and the registration process can be found on the Vaccine Policy page. 


COVID-19 testing is also available around the region. To find a location, visit: 

         County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency – Testing in San Diego County

         COVID Clinic

         Family Health Centers of San Diego County - COVID-19 Testing


Cleaning Supplies and Masks
If you need cleaning supplies, sanitizer, or masks for your office, please contact the facilities and maintenance team. 


Reporting a Positive Case
If a student informs you of a positive COVID-19 test, please contact the Health and Wellness Center at 619-660-4200 or email Julia.Chavez@gcccd.edu or Rieko.Suto@gcccd.edu.


If you need to report a positive COVID-19 test for yourself, please contact Michael Walker, health and safety specialist. 


Quarantine Information
If you are fully vaccinated and exposed to someone with COVID-19: Employees in this category are expected to remain at work unless symptoms are present. However, the recommendation is that you test on day 5.

If you are unvaccinated or not boosted and you are exposed to someone with COVID-19: You are required to stay home for at  least 5 days, after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19. Quarantine will end after day 5 if symptoms are not present andyou test negative. COVID testing must be completed by a monitored testing site. Antigen or PCR tests accepted.

If you test positive for COVID-19: Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, previous infection or lack of symptoms, is required to stay home for at least 5 days. Isolation will end after day 5 if symptoms are not present or are resolving and you test negative. COVID testing must be completed by a monitored testing site. Antigen or PCR tests are accepted.

For questions about quarantine information, please contact aimee.gallagher@gcccd.edu


COVID Sick Leave Provision (SB114)

On February 19, 2022, SB 114 will take effect retroactive to January 1, 2022.  Employees will be provided two allotments of up to 40 hours (80 hours total) to be used for COVID-related leave. Additional details are forthcoming.


Zoom Help

Safely Setting Up a Meeting/Event

Overview of Zoom in Canvas

Landing Page Overview

Appointment Booking

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