Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)

Welcome to the DSPS website.


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Mission Statement

Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) increases access, success, and creates inclusive learning environments to students with disabilities so they may participate fully and equitably in college programs and campus life.

DSPS Main Office Contact Information

Location: One Stop Center, Room G-238 (New Building)
Address900 Rancho San Diego Parkway El Cajon, CA 92019-4369

Phone: 619-660-4239
Fax: 619-660-4055 
Video Phone: 619-567-4275

Questions and Requests

For questions or requests to speak with a DSPS staff member, you may email our:

Our staff are checking email and voicemail regularly throughout the day. Please leave your:

  • name, 
  • student ID number, 
  • best way for us to contact you and 
  • message

For answers to questions related to other Student Service programs, please visit the: Cuyamaca College Student Support Services Page

Important Information

The below links and information can assist you in completing your college courses:

Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) assists students with disabilities by determining and providing appropriate academic accommodations related to their disabilities in order for them to achieve their educational goals.


For important information regarding course repetition and withdrawal, please click on the link for Admission and Records Important News

Please go to WebAdvisor in order to complete your mandatory online orientation, schedule your English and Math placement exams, and select your courses.

General Information

For general counseling questions or questions that may need immediate answers and a DSPS counselor is not available, please use the Online Counseling Services to schedule an appointment with a general counseling "E-Counseling".

For assistance with registering for classes please check out the online WebAdvisor Tutorial. There is also an Arabic Version.

** Note: Cuyamaca College DSPS does not guarantee the accuracy of translated texts through Google Translate. If the information is not clear, please call for assistance.  Cuyamaca College DSPS will not accept any liability for problems caused by the use of the Google Translate feature.

Problems, Concerns, or Complaints

There are established procedures for resolving complaints from not only prospective and current students, but also community members. For example, as a standard practice, the first step should be to seek a resolution at the local level with the appropriate department. If the complainant does not feel that the issue has been solved at this level to his or her satisfaction, the complainant is able to pursue the matter through the established chain of command. The process must be clearly stated and in compliance with Federal regulation (HEA Title IV, CFR, Sections 600.9 and 668.4 (3) (b) since all Title IV eligible institutions must not only have, but also state its administered complaint process.  For more information please go to the Complaint Process web page

Service Animals

U.S. Department of Justice Service AnimalsThe Department of Justice published revised final regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for title II (State and local government services) and title III (public accommodations and commercial facilities) on September 15, 2010, in the Federal Register. These requirements, or rules, contain updated requirements, including the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design (2010 Standards).

****Cuyamaca College is committed to engaging students with an interactive process to determine appropriate accommodations regardless of the operational status/hours of operation of Disabled Students Programs and Services


Related Resources

Online Support and Resources

Faculty Resources

PDSS-Counseling Courses

Apply and Enroll

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